About us

Brief school history

In 1865 there was opened the first parish school during the regiment of duke Tiškevičius.

Since 1920, in the church’s building, there started working the four class primary school.

Around 1926, the school moved to Darbėnai manor.

In 1945, Darbenai primary school was reorganized into a progymnasium.

Since 1949 to 1950 – seven-year school.

In 1950, there was opened the secondary school. 478 pupils attended it.

In 1964, the school moved into a new spacious three-storied building.

Currently, in the school, 549 pupils and children are learned there and 64 pedagogical staff work there.

The school has these directions of learning: pre-school (children from 3 to 6 years),  pre-primary (children from 6 to 7 years), 6 primary classes, 6 general education classes and 8 gymnasium classes. There are educated 45 pupils in Laukžemės general education section.


Our mission

Darbėnai gymnasium:

  • cooperating with parents educate a self-sufficient, able to make a life personality;
  • provide temporary science and culture level meeting knowledge and values;
  • motivate students‘ equality and solidarity with people having different abilities and views, social opportunities, teach sensibility to others;
  • develop democratic, moral and humanistic ideas.

Our philosophy

„Not for school but for life we learn“ (Seneca)

  • we care of children: how they learn, live with and whom will become in the future;
  • we are open for challenges because we believe in success;
  • we create the atmosphere of cooperation, sharing the experience, integrating educational content, preparing projects;
  • we create the suitable microclimate that all community‘s members would feel safe.
  • promote professionalism: learn during the activity and learn from activity.

Contact us

AddressLaukžemės g. 9, Darbėnai, LT -97265, Kretingos r. sav.

Telephone: +370 445 56271

Fax: +370 445 56271


Website: www.darbenai.kretinga.lm.lt

Atnaujinta: 2023-05-22
  • Elektroninis dienynas
  • Tėvams
  • Mėnesio veiklos planas
  • 1,2% parama
Pamokų laikas
2. 08.55 – 09.40
  • 1. 08.00 – 08.45
  • 2. 08.55 – 09.40
  • 3. 09.50 – 10.35
  • 4. 11.05 – 11.50
  • 5. 12.05 – 12.50
  • 6. 13.05 – 13.50
  • 7. 14.00 – 14.45
  • 8. 14.55 – 15.40
  • 9. 15.50 – 16.35